Sunday, May 24, 2020

Sex-Role Stereotyping Essay - 835 Words

In any culture, ideas of masculinity and femininity influence societal expectations. While these expectations are not inescapable, the new generation takes its cues from older generations, and thus, any change in them is slow. Few would argue that some differences do exist between men and women. However, are these differences significant enough to perpetuate male and female stereotypes? More importantly, do such stereotypes serve any benefit to an individual or culture? Jeanne Humphrey Block, author of Conceptions of Sex Role- Some Cross Cultural and Longitudinal Perspectives, uses the term â€Å"sex role† to describe the set of characteristics that define and differentiate men and women. This role is a â€Å"synthesis of biological and†¦show more content†¦These results imply to Block that sex roles from less civilized times are outdated and do not benefit either men or women when adhered to rigidly. Sandra Bem goes a step further in the gender role debate by suggesting such roles be thrown out entirely; they are essentially self-fulfilling prophecies. In her article, Gender Schema Theory: A cognitive account of sex-typing, she defines â€Å"sex typing† as the process of encouraging sex-specific skills, self-concepts and personality traits to males and females; i.e. how men become masculine and women become feminine. Sex typing has significant psychological effects on the individual and their development. Furthermore, Bem believes that the evolving gender schema effects how the individual interprets and assimilates new information. Several studies were conducted to test the sex schema theory including having test subjects, male and female, rate how well certain attributes described them. Not apparent to the rater was that 20 of the attributes reflected culturally masculine characteristics while 20 more reflected feminine characteristics. Individuals were presented wi th another 61 words, a mix of feminine and masculine words, and then asked to recall the words in any order. Resultantly, subjects who scored high on the first scaleShow MoreRelatedThe Egg And The Sperm : How Science Has Constructed A Romance1168 Words   |  5 PagesMale-Female Roles† to show the world that there is gender stereotyping not only in our culture but also scientific language as well (Martin, 39). In reproductive roles males are depicted as the heroic warrior who go on missions to get to females, while women are seen as wasteful and passive, not working nearly as hard as the men. Not only does science exhibit females in such a derogatory aspect, but it’s teaching children in early age science textbooks the gender bias as well. Scientific stereotyping seemsRead MoreGender Labeling And Gender Stereotypes1551 Words   |  7 Pagesmales and females are Gender Stereotypes (Deaux Kite, 1993). Gender labeling is frequently used in global broadcasting to boost characteristics of how a certain people; those in control of the broadcast- view gender roles and how they want society to view them also. Stereotyping is prevalent in popular television shows, music videos, the workforce and various other advertisement billboards in the U.S. It is difficult to oppose the stereotypical behavior that is displayed in the media that supposedlyRead MoreGender Roles in Childrens Books1034 Words   |  5 Pages GENDER REPRESENTATION AND STEREOTYPING IN 7 for the years pre-1970 presented male to female ratios of 4.0:1 in titles, 2.6:1 in central roles, and 1.6:1 in pictures (Kortenhaus Demarest, 1993). The Caldecott books for the years post-1970 had more equal ratios of 1.2:1 for titles, 1.2:1 for central roles, and 1.1:1 in pictures. The non-award books showed similar ratios. This is a significant decrease from the male to female ratios in Weitzman’s study of Caldecott books in 1972. This study resultedRead MoreGender equality and gender roles go hand in hand in society. These two concepts complement each1100 Words   |  5 PagesGender equality and gender roles go hand in hand in society. These two concepts complement each other to the extent in which one must know about both to fully understand the capacity of either. Gender roles are roles each sex is given. These are stereotypical things. Gender is how people are seen by society. This is imprinted in the brain at a young age and is formed and molded through childhood, ad olescence, adulthood, and late adulthood. Each stage comes with different ideas about gender and powerRead MoreGender Portrayal Of Gender Roles953 Words   |  4 Pagesthis near equality in the rates of participation in the work force, men and women continue to be depicted in very distinct gender roles throughout the mainstream media (Eisend, 2010; Lull, Hanson, Marx, 1977; Collins, 2011). This gender stereotyping effect is especially prevalent within advertising. Because advertisements in the media frequently rely on gender roles to promote products and services (Eisend, 2010), research examining the effects of gender portrayals in advertising has become increasinglyRead MoreGender Stereotyping Essay1134 Words   |  5 PagesStereotypical behavior is not a new trend, but rather an ongoing lifestyle for today’s society. Gender stereotyping, a sub-category of stereotypes, opens many revelations, developments, and behaviors. While there are psychologists that differ in opini on, education and employment seems to be the primary sources where it is believed that most people both obtains and acts out their stereotypical behavior (Sax Harper 671). The origins of gender differences are particularly hard to trace, but argumentsRead MoreComparing and Contrasting Cartoons1710 Words   |  7 Pagesnarrations and speech bubbles to emphasize dialogue and the message regarding women’s rights and sex stereotyping. The context of the cartoon is to show the inequalities between genders. This is evident, when the women begin to associate boys with certain stereotypes such as â€Å"strong† and â€Å"tough†. Therefore indicating that women and girls today are portrayed to be the opposite. The first example of sex stereotyping is seen in the first panel of the cartoon when the first women asks the mother â€Å"is it a boyRead MoreStereotyping in an Organisation880 Words   |  4 PagesStereotyping In An Organization The fact that people are always judged for their actions and behavior could be one of the biggest problems in an organization. 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Some stereotypes have been more difficult to break than othersRead MoreThe Egg And The Sperm By Emily Martin910 Words   |  4 PagesMartin’s main goal is to shine a light on gender stereotypes hidden in the language of biology (Martin 1). Explain the gender roles in scientific language. Three main points of the article, Gender bias is seen in an early age in science textbooks, science demonstrates that females do not work as hard as males, and how culturally stereotyping can lead to scientific stereotyping. Scientific language should not have a bias on gender. The facts Martin explains to prove that the biased opinions and what

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Using the Spanish Noun Vez

Vez (plural veces) is one of the most commonly used nouns of Spanish and can usually be precisely translated as occurrence, although in practice it is usually translated as time. Here are some examples of everyday usage: Mil veces te quiero, Alejandro. I love you a thousand times, Alejandro.Llegamos cuatro veces a la final. We made it four times to the final.Serà ¡ la à ºltima vez que me veas. It will be the last time you see me. Una vez is usually translated as once, although obviously it could also be translated literally as one time, and dos veces can be translated as twice or two times: Se toma una vez por dà ­a en un nivel de dosis decidido por el mà ©dico. It is taken once per day at a dosage level decided by the doctor. ¿Te has enamorado dos veces de la misma persona? Have you fallen in love with the same person twice?Sà ³lo se vive dos veces es la quinta entrega de la saga James Bond. You Only Live Twice is the fifth installment in the James Bond series. Veces can be used in making comparisons such as the following: Es una pila que dura hasta cuatro veces mà ¡s. Its a battery that lasts up to four times longer.La envidia es mil veces mà ¡s terrible que el hambre. Jealousy is a thousand times worse than hunger. Uses of Vez and Veces Vez and veces can be used in a variety of phrases. The following examples show some of the most common, although these arent the only translations possible: Alguna vez voy a ser libre. Sometime I am going to be free.El gato de Schrà ¶dinger sigue estando vivo y muerto a la vez pero en ramas diferentes del universo. Schrà ¶dingers cat was alive and dead at the same time but in different sections of the universe.A mi vez, no puedo comprender el tipo que dice que la casa es tarea de la mujer. For my part, I cant understand the type who says housework is a womans job. (Also used are phrases such as a tu vez, for your part, and a su vez, for his/her part.)Cada vez que te veo me gustas mà ¡s. Every time I see you I like you more.La actriz tolera cada vez menos la intrusià ³n en su vida. The actress is tolerating the intrusion in her life less and less.De vez en cuando es necesario perder la razà ³n. Once in a while it is necessary to be wrong.Estoy fantaseando en vez de estudiar. I am daydreaming instead of studying.A veces sueà ±o que està ¡s conmigo. Sometimes I dream that you are with me.Los baratos muchas veces salen caros. Cheap th ings often sell for a high price. ¿Por quà © el mar algunas veces se ve verde y otras veces azul? Why does the sea sometimes look green and other times blue?Habà ­a una vez una gata vivà ­a en una casita blanca. Once upon a time a cat lived in a little white house.Una vez mà ¡s Einstein tiene razà ³n. Once again, Einstein is right.La red otra vez fuera de là ­nea. The network went offline again.La felicidad se encuentra rara vez donde se busca. Happiness is rarely found where it is looked for.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Introduction to Linear Regression and Correlation Analysis

Introduction to Linear Regression and Correlation Analysis Goals After this, you should be able to: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Calculate and interpret the simple correlation between two variables Determine whether the correlation is significant Calculate and interpret the simple linear regression equation for a set of data Understand the assumptions behind regression analysis Determine whether a regression model is significant Goals (continued) After this, you should be able to: †¢ Calculate and interpret confidence intervals for the regression coefficients †¢ Recognize regression analysis applications for purposes of prediction and description †¢ Recognize some potential problems if regression analysis is used incorrectly †¢ Recognize†¦show more content†¦sed to: – Predict the value of a dependent variable based on the value of at least one independent variable – Explain the impact of changes in an independent variable on the dependent variable Dependent variable: the variable we wish to explain Independent variable: the variable used Simple Linear Regression Model †¢ Only one independent variable, x †¢ Relationship between x and y is described by a linear function †¢ Changes in y are assumed to be caused by changes in x Types of Regression Models Positive Linear Relationship Relationship NOT Linear Negative Linear Relationship No Relationship Population Linear Regression The population regression model: Population y intercept Dependent Variable Population Slope Coefficient Independent Variable y ï€ ½ ÃŽ ²0 ï€ « ÃŽ ²1x ï€ « ÃŽ µ Linear component Random Error term, or residual Random Error component Linear Regression Assumptions †¢ Error values (ÃŽ µ) are statistically independent †¢ Error values are normally distributed for any given value of x †¢ The probability distribution of the errors is normal †¢ The probability distribution of the errors has constant variance †¢ The underlying relationship between the x Population Linear Regression y Observed Value of y for xi y ï€ ½ ÃŽ ²0 ï€ « ÃŽ ²1x ï€ « ÃŽ µ ÃŽ µi (continued) Slope = ÃŽ ²1 Random Error for this x value Predicted Value of y for xi Intercept = ÃŽ ²0 xi x Estimated Regression Model The sample regression line provides an estimate of theShow MoreRelatedIterative Multivariate Regression For Correlated Responses1246 Words   |  5 PagesIterative Multivariate Regression for Correlated Responses Multivariate regression is a standard statistical tool that regresses independent variables (predictors) against a single dependent variable (response variable).The objective is to find a linear model that best predicts the dependent variable from the independent variables. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Capital Gains Tax Of Rosemary Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Answer: Determining the Capital gain of the current year: Particulars Indexation Method Discount Method Sale of property $300,000.00 $300,000.00 Building cost $100,881.06 $100,000.00 Land cost $51,422.16 $50,000.00 Total Cost $152,303.21 $150,000.00 Capital Gains $147,696.79 $150,000.00 Less: 50% Discount $0.00 $75,000.00 Net Capital Gain $147,696.79 $75,000.00 Rosemary has mainly bought the land during 1997, while major improvement in the property was conducted during 1999. Therefore, Rosemary could use both indexation and discounted method for determining the relevant capital gains tax if the property was sold in the current year. Moreover the property was held for more than 12 months which allows Rosemary to get a 50% discount on the capital gains tax. Under the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, Division 115, Subdivision 115-A, and Section 115-15, relevant usage of discounting method are depicted adequately ( 2017). The relevant discounting method could directly generate capital gains tax of $75,000. However, the use of indexation method could also help in determining the capital gains tax of Rosemary, which will amount to $147,696.79. Under the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, Division 960-General, Subdivision 960-M, and Section 960-275, relevant indexation method is depicted (Campbell 2015). Before the evaluation of both the taxation method mainly depicts that use of discounting method is more relevant for Rosemary, as it reduces the tax amount to $75,000 from $147,696.79. Capital gains if the land was purchased before 1984 October 20th: Particulars Indexation Method Discount Method Sale $300,000.00 $300,000.00 Less: Sale price of Land $100,000.00 $100,000.00 Building Net Selling Price $200,000.00 $200,000.00 Less: Building cost $100,881.06 $100,000.00 Capital Gain from Sale $99,118.94 $100,000.00 Less: 50% Discount $0.00 $50,000.00 Net Capital Gain $99,118.94 $50,000.00 The situation many changes where the land purchased by Rosemary was before 1984, which directly makes the property Pre-CGT. , Division 100 and Section 100-45 is mainly mentioned in the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 mainly depicts the relevant measures that needs to be conducted for calculating CGT. Therefore, it was depicted that any kind of capital gains that was Pre-CGT is relatively exempted from tax. Hence, the calculation of CGT can be conducted on both indexation and discounting method (Evans, Minas and Lim 2015). The determination of the sales value is derived by deducting sales value from actual purchase value. This portrayed the value of 67% for the overall sale of property, which would help in identifying the actual capital gains tax paid by Rosemary. In this situation also the use of discounting method is viable, as it reduces the relevant capital gains tax of Rosemary. Calculating the capital gains if the building was built on 20th May 2003: Particulars Indexation Method Discount Method Sale of Land $100,000.00 $100,000.00 less Land cost $51,422.16 $50,000.00 Capital Gains (Land) $48,577.84 $50,000.00 Less: 50% Discount $25,000.00 Net Capital Gain (Land) $48,577.84 $25,000.00 Sale of Building $200,000.00 $200,000.00 Less: Building cost $100,000.00 $100,000.00 Capital Gain $100,000.00 $100,000.00 Less: 50% Discount $50,000.00 Net Capital Gain (Building) $100,000.00 $50,000.00 Total Capital Gain on Property $148,577.84 $75,000.00 There is relevant situation where the building was built on 2003, which directly states that only discounting method will be used for calculating the building capital gains tax (Lawrence and Bennett 2017). However, for the land both discounting method and indexation method could be used for calculating the capital gains tax. Under the Taxation Ruling of GSTR 2003/3, relevant measures could be identified, which could be helped in identifying the relevant ruling for 2003. Therefore, the use of indexation method is much better choice for Rosemary, as it only portrays a CGT of $75,000. Calculating the capital gains tax if the building was built on 20th May 2017: Particulars Indexation Method Discount Method Land sale price $100,000.00 $100,000.00 Less: land cost $51,422.16 $50,000.00 Capital Gain (Land) $48,577.84 $50,000.00 Less: 50% Discount $25,000.00 Net Capital Gain (Land) $48,577.84 $25,000.00 Building selling price $200,000.00 $200,000.00 Less: Building cost $100,000.00 $100,000.00 Capital Gain (Building) $100,000.00 $100,000.00 Total Capital Gain (Property) $148,577.84 $125,000.00 In this particular situation, It is stated that the building was built on 2017, which directly Excludes the building cost from both discounting and indexation method. However, for the land Both indexation method and discounting method could be used, as we purchase has been conducted well before 12 months (Sembrano et al. 2017). However, the use of discounting method is much beneficial for Rosemary, as it portrays total capital gains of $125,000, while the indexation method depicts a CGT of $148,577.84. References: (2017).Home page. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Sep. 2017]. Campbell, S., 2015. A mater of trusts: CGT issues when creating and dealing with UPEs.Taxation in Australia,50(6), p.332. Evans, C., Minas, J. and Lim, Y., 2015. Taxing personal capital gains in Australia: an alternative way forward. Lawrence, S. and Bennett, M., 2017. Image rights in Australia: Fair game or foul ball?.Taxation in Australia,51(9), p.487. Sembrano, J.N., Truong, W.H., Ledonio, C.G.T. and Polly Jr, D.W., 2017. Skeletal Anomalies Associated with Esophageal Atresia. InEsophageal and Gastric Disorders in Infancy and Childhood(pp. 135-153). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.