Thursday, May 14, 2020

Using the Spanish Noun Vez

Vez (plural veces) is one of the most commonly used nouns of Spanish and can usually be precisely translated as occurrence, although in practice it is usually translated as time. Here are some examples of everyday usage: Mil veces te quiero, Alejandro. I love you a thousand times, Alejandro.Llegamos cuatro veces a la final. We made it four times to the final.Serà ¡ la à ºltima vez que me veas. It will be the last time you see me. Una vez is usually translated as once, although obviously it could also be translated literally as one time, and dos veces can be translated as twice or two times: Se toma una vez por dà ­a en un nivel de dosis decidido por el mà ©dico. It is taken once per day at a dosage level decided by the doctor. ¿Te has enamorado dos veces de la misma persona? Have you fallen in love with the same person twice?Sà ³lo se vive dos veces es la quinta entrega de la saga James Bond. You Only Live Twice is the fifth installment in the James Bond series. Veces can be used in making comparisons such as the following: Es una pila que dura hasta cuatro veces mà ¡s. Its a battery that lasts up to four times longer.La envidia es mil veces mà ¡s terrible que el hambre. Jealousy is a thousand times worse than hunger. Uses of Vez and Veces Vez and veces can be used in a variety of phrases. The following examples show some of the most common, although these arent the only translations possible: Alguna vez voy a ser libre. Sometime I am going to be free.El gato de Schrà ¶dinger sigue estando vivo y muerto a la vez pero en ramas diferentes del universo. Schrà ¶dingers cat was alive and dead at the same time but in different sections of the universe.A mi vez, no puedo comprender el tipo que dice que la casa es tarea de la mujer. For my part, I cant understand the type who says housework is a womans job. (Also used are phrases such as a tu vez, for your part, and a su vez, for his/her part.)Cada vez que te veo me gustas mà ¡s. Every time I see you I like you more.La actriz tolera cada vez menos la intrusià ³n en su vida. The actress is tolerating the intrusion in her life less and less.De vez en cuando es necesario perder la razà ³n. Once in a while it is necessary to be wrong.Estoy fantaseando en vez de estudiar. I am daydreaming instead of studying.A veces sueà ±o que està ¡s conmigo. Sometimes I dream that you are with me.Los baratos muchas veces salen caros. Cheap th ings often sell for a high price. ¿Por quà © el mar algunas veces se ve verde y otras veces azul? Why does the sea sometimes look green and other times blue?Habà ­a una vez una gata vivà ­a en una casita blanca. Once upon a time a cat lived in a little white house.Una vez mà ¡s Einstein tiene razà ³n. Once again, Einstein is right.La red otra vez fuera de là ­nea. The network went offline again.La felicidad se encuentra rara vez donde se busca. Happiness is rarely found where it is looked for.

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