Thursday, December 26, 2019

Essay - Circus cat, alley cat - 828 Words

English analysis – Circus cat, Alley cat The short story â€Å"Circus cat, alley cat† is written by Anita Desai and is on three pages. The short story is about Anna, a circus performer who becomes a nanny for an English family. Anna is performing with tigers and lions in an exciting show. The narrator is a child and has a wild imagination. When Anna is babysitting the children, the narrator often imagines that Anna cracks her whip, and controls the cats. One day Anna’s baby is taken away from her, and she leaves to get it back. In the end, the narrator is in the circus seeing her perform. During my analysis, I will focus on a description of the setting, a characterization of the narrator and Anna, a discussion of the narrative technique and†¦show more content†¦Then in the end, the narrator still sees her as â€Å"Anna the circus cat† which indicates that the narrator still is frightened of her. Anna, her real name or stage name Shakti, is a young quit big woman and, as mentioned earlier, a former cats trainer in a circus. Her look is described on page 1 line 6: â€Å"She was large and heavily built, with very black bright eyes and a lot of winey black hair†. She has been married but left her husband, because he thought she was to stay at home and then he took over her show. The English Mrs. Bates found her on the street near starvation, and then hired her as a nanny. She ends up in the circus again after the search for the baby. The children sees a as a â€Å"Anna of the circus† because of her past, but in fact she is a nice tame alley cat page 2 line 21: â€Å"No matter how hard Mrs. Bates tried to domesticate her and turn her into a tame alley cat, a nice, motherly pussy cat, Anna remained to us the â€Å"breath-taking, death defying, terror striking† Anna of the circus†. The narrative technique is often seen when the narrator describes his/hers imaginations. When the narrator describes them the words are changing and giving the children animal character, page 2 lie 9: â€Å"We would no longer walk, or run, we would prowl. We would not hop or skip, but spring and leap†. All these changes in their behavior shows that they change when they are around Anna. They become herShow MoreRelatedChildrens Literature13219 Words   |  53 Pagesanother celebrated collection of nonsense verse with comic illustrations that rejects the impulse to be morally improving or didactic. Lear specialized in the limerick although he also was skilled at writing longer poems, such as The Owl and the Pussy-cat and The Dong with a Luminous Nose, which are tinged with melancholy. Carroll and Lear are often paired as the two great writers of nonsense literature. Both authors were influenced by those anonymous comic verses known in England as nursery rhymesRead MoreRomantici sm and Modernism as Strange Bedfellows: A Fresh Look at Jack Kerouacs On the Road12240 Words   |  49 Pagesused to illustrate this—Dean Moriarty the romantic and alienated hero, the West as romantic idyll-cum- land of disillusionment, and Mexico, the last frontier of pure sky, sunshine and the spirit of the indigenous people countered with the reality of â€Å"alleys . . . with open sewersâ€Å"(300). The first subject is the protagonist, Dean Moriarty, a free-wheeling poster child of romantic heroism. Dean is the driving force out of the west, manned with a car he drives at amazing speeds, yet seemingly alwaysRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pagessolvers and decision makers who prefer to deal with technical tasks and straightforward, prescribed problems rather than social or interpersonal issues. They excel at problems that have one correct answer. Multiple-choice exams are preferred over essay exams. Research has suggested that these individuals are inclined toward careers in technology, engineering, and law. In college, students with a knowing style tend to major in the physical sciences, engineering, law, and computers. In business, they

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